Why am i crying for no reason
Why am i crying for no reason

why am i crying for no reason

You need as much support as possible while you get used to life with your new baby.

why am i crying for no reason

While it is very normal to feel tearful during the first couple of weeks, make sure you tell people close to you how you’re feeling. It was only in hindsight I realised it was day three and the classic day for the baby blues to make an appearance.’

why am i crying for no reason

When the midwife told me my baby had mild jaundice, even though I knew it was nothing to worry about I just couldn’t stop crying.Įventually I was even laughing while crying because I knew I didn’t need to be upset but just couldn’t stop the tears!

#Why am i crying for no reason full

We were struggling with feeding, I had sore nipples and a house full of relatives. ‘The midwife came on day three to check on the baby and I. Maya* describes her experience of the baby blues: Anxious and under-confident about how you are looking after your baby Irrational and very emotional, even about small things Irritable and snappy with those close to you In addition to feeling tearful you might also feel: It is normal to feel like this whether you are breast or bottle feeding. This double whammy of big hormonal and life changes is why many new mums can feel tearful around day three after giving birth, as their breastmilk comes in. This comes at the same time as a rise in the hormones that cause milk production (Pilkington et al, 2016). The levels of pregnancy hormones drop rapidly three to ten days after giving birth. It is completely normal for new parents to feel overwhelmed with your new roles and responsibilities and tearful in the first few days after baby arrives (Shaw et al, 2006). Yet you’re exhausted from giving birth and now have your newborn baby to care for, and their seemingly relentless demands. You might be wondering why the tears just won’t stop flowing right now. Why am I crying after I’ve given birth? The ‘baby blues’

Why am i crying for no reason